During this treatment, a cotton Biosun candle infused with beeswax, chamomile and other herbs, honey and vitamin A is inserted into the ear and the top lit. This creates a vacuum that heats, causing ear wax to loosen.

There's no need to fear being burnt - the candle I use has a filter and I will continually hold it, so that you can relax. The ear candling is followed by a facial massage for lymph drainage and a true tranquil experience.

At the end, I will examine the candle contents and share my findings. I will usually recommend a course of further treatment for maximum benefit..

Get In Touch

If you are interested and want to find out more about ear candling, please contact me by completing the form below


Call me today on 00353 873965469

or email jane@emeraldmassagetherapies.com

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Providing massage and therapy treatments
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